Thursday, November 8, 2007

Harry’s analytical essay.

In the Herald sun, we read Mr. Andrew Bolts article about the newly aired show, Californication. This show has started much controversy amongst the general public but as we can see, Mr Bolt has written an article that can either put you with him, or angrily against him. Whether he has done this on purpose or not is rather debatable. But we can see that as an Australian citizen, he is innocently stating his views and not entirely an accepted truth. His article brings up a few matters, not just this new show. His ability to connect these things together is surely going to create much more controversy and further reinforce the initial problems he brings up.

Mr Andrew Bolt has used many persuasive techniques in his article to try and make us see his way. ( he is a writer of course, and is trained in the art of persuasion so it isn’t abnormal for him). Out of all his techniques that he uses, Andrew Bolt uses his own personal experiences as the main technique. ( it may not look like it to everyone but for me, his own experiences show me what to expect if I ever watch this show.) Andrew Bolt says that he has watched an episode of Californication and is quite disgusted by what it depicts. He particularly describes the scene in which a nun gives fellatio to a praying man in front of a crucifix, many times throughout the article. About seven or eight times I believe. This particular technique is no doubt aimed specifically to practicing Christians who find that kind of thing disgusting. Especially when a large portion of Victoria is Christian, Mr. bolt has already delivered his message.
This is a very clever thing of Andrew Bolt to do. But his article doesn’t show much other evidence besides the above mentioned scene. Instead he relates this issue with other bigger topics including morals, religion, sex and pornography. He uses shock tactics with vaguely relevant evidence and even throws in some stupid jokes. Whether he is trying to be funny or not is debatable whereas opinions and humor differ.

Mr Bolts article may have just as many flaws in it than it has relevant and shocking information. Many of these things I have written in my letter to the editor. The main point I have tried to make is that Andrew Bolt did not do enough study of the show Californication before he got to his conclusion. In his article he tries to persuade us into thinking that californication ( the whole series ) is nothing but sex, sex and more sex. The one obvious wrong assumption here is that the whole series hasn’t been aired on tv yet. Let alone the second episode. And that we don’t know what is on the rest of the series. I mean, there is a possibility that the whole storyline can change in the next few episodes. When it may not contain nothing but sex, sex and more sex. He also points out that the show mocks the Christian faith even more.( which I totally agree with him at this point). Through the fact that the main character in the show was given fellatio in a church. After he makes this point he changes the subject. From this point the show isn’t about californication exactly, but about various religious denominations and how they are attacked. Furthermore Mr Bolt has failed to comment on other shows on tv that are basically revolving around the same subject, for example Shameless on SBS, this show (and many others) are forgotten to be mentioned. I suppose Andrew Bolt doesn’t watch SBS.

I would like to say that Mr Bolts article sums up basically the views of many people out there who respect moral values and disapproved of such shows on tv. But he has done it in such a way as to spark up more controversy than the actual show. If this article has done one thing, it has successfully gotten people talking about this issue and what is going to be done.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

To the editor,
I read Mr. Bolts article in the herald sun and I agree with many of the points he is trying to make. He basically sums up what morality has become and how it has changed. By basing his evidence on this new show, Californication, we can agree tend to agree with his point of view. Unfortunately I believe that Andrew Bolt has released this article very early and hasn’t done enough research. I also noticed in his article that he tends to change the subject to a point where he is telling us something very different. Mr Bolt has released his article telling that since the first episode is bad, so is the rest of the series. If his article is based on the whole series, I believe he has made a terrible mistake. I have previously witnessed shows that after they air the first episode, the whole storyline changes. In other words the first episode is just a catchy trap for the rest of the series were we believe we will see the same things over and over.
Mr Bolt tells us that this new show is disgusting but he hasn’t realized that there are other shows just as bad that occur on other channels. We don’t see him writing long articles about them do we? Shows like Shameless on SBS. This show has similar aspects to Californication and we can even see it in the names. Cali-fornication and Shame-less. Both shows have heavy sex scenes in it yet mr bolt doesn’t comment on it. Shameless is not the only other show, SBS airs many movies and shows with similar material particularly those aired after 9.30 at night.

Monday, August 27, 2007

To kill a mocking bird is a movie created that portrays characters and events that occur in the book by Harper Lee. The story is set in the depression era in Alabama. The main characters are scout, her brother and their father Atticus.
No matter how good a film is made, it just doesn’t have the same feel as the book. But in this case, the producer has given proper respect and love to depict the childhood of scout and the court case.
Essentially, the movie does portray all the relevant themes that are prominent in the book and presents them in excellent scripts and true-to-the-book scenes. Unfortunately this movie has a lack of visual effects, a tiny amount of settings and a heavy handed dialogue. Even though this movie is lacking in cinematographic aspects, we still understand the story. Movies like this rally for more current political causes so the visual effects isn’t such a big thing so long as the acting is strong. The strength of the issues relayed in these classics don’t lose their appeal.
The story is told from scouts point of view (just like the book) and depicts her fathers struggle for justice in a small, racist community. Atticus tries his best to put the wrong, right and takes the impossible case with quiet fervor so he doesn’t lose his friends, dignity, self respect and his childrens safety.
The movie also shows events from scouts every day life. That is, going to school, getting into fights and playing daring games with her friends. It cleverly portrays Scout’s tomboyish ways and how she reacts ( along with many other characters) after the court case.
This story has two major strands, the most important one is about Atticus and the things he does to bring up justice. In this case it is defending a black man on a charge of raping a white woman. The second strand but equally as important is the journey of scout through childhood to adulthood. With the growing curiosity for a neighbor named Boo as the main symbol.
During the time when this film was made, the US was having major debates over the rights of negroes. And this film portrays events that may have similar true stories in real life. For those who watched the film when it came out, they would have changed their views about negroes and how they had been treated in Americas history. This movie has important significance in the US.
To kill a mockingbird is designed for all to see but is mainly targeted to younger children. It is not just a good film about children but a good serious film for children. This is not to say that adults cannot watch it, I personally recommend it to adults for it is important to think about what Negroes in the past have been put through and how many attempts to improve it have miserably failed.
To kill a mockingbird is an old film but it can still entertain as it preaches its messages. It is worth it for those who can bare to sit through a two-hour long chatty movie. Though not all aspects of the film are true to the book, it still gives us the main message which the book gives us about racial equality.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

This is the greatest soccer team in the greek soccer leage second division

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

It was many years ago. I remember, the days I used to run around having fun and causing trouble with my friends. Me and my cousins Idas and Heraklitos would go around with our friend Daniel doing all kinds of funny things. We’d light fireworks, catch animals and steal the nice bread rolls from the church hall where they held functions. Sometimes though wed get caught by Mr. Gianni, the hall supervisor but all he did was tell us of. I remember this day in particular because it reminds me of how important our childhoods are, and how we should remember them.
It was Sunday morning and church was about to finish, my parents, brother and sisters were lining up to receive the priests blessing. But I wasn’t there at the time. (Infact I thought that lining up to take the priests blessing was pointless since I didn’t know any better. And I wasn’t too fond of kissing a mean priests hand anyway.) I was outside waiting for my parents with my cousins idas and Heraklitos. It was taking ages so we thought about doing something to pass the time. The church hall was preparing for a function later and this gave us an idea. (we loved the food served at this hall, especially the bread). Idas dared me to get in the hall and steal some bread rolls for us to eat. So me being the daring 8 year old, agreed. I snuck through the back door of the hall. Idas and Heraklitos were watching and laughing through one of the hazy windows. I krept up to one of the tables making sure I wasn’t seen by those gypsi-waiters*. I grabbed three rolls and bolted for the door. Then just my luck, Mr Gianni the hall maintenance gypsy came through the back door with a wet mop. I saw his face change from normal to pure rage,
“what do you think you doing!” he shouted “don’t think your going to run of with those breads”. I turned around and ran the other way, towards the front entrance. Whilst I was doing this, I couldn’t help but take a bite at one of the bread roles id taken. Mr Gianni chased me through the hall, around the tables and eventually into the huge pantry. I saw my cousins killing themselves laughing outside and I just wanted to get out and bash those trouble makers. Mr Gianni continued to chase me though id knows he’d give up. I hid under a table and watched him look for me. When the time came, I jumped out underneath the table and rushed directly for the front door. But one of those gypsy waiters got in the way so I just somersaulted through his legs and out the door.
I got back to Idas and Heraklitos around the side and gave them their bread rolls. They had trouble eating them because they were still dying of laughter.
“ you looked like Indiana jones with the booby-trap--” Idas couldn’t finish his sentence of. Then I heard my mum calling me from around the side.
“look cuz, I better go now my mums calling me. Ill see yous later at soccer.” I didn’t think they heard me so I just took of .
When I found my mum she was waiting for me at the car in the car park.
“Johnny, where have you been? Not stealing bread again I hope.”
“Nah, we got bored waiting for you to get the blessing from the priest outside so we just got a tennis ball and played behind the hall.” I walked up closer to my mum who was standing near the car door. Then she noticed the bread crumbs on my jumper.
“Johnny, you liar! Next time we’re at church, you’ll sit right next to me for the whole time. And after you have to go confession. That’s right. Tell your favourite priest all the naughty things you’ve done. Then well see what happens.”
I sighed and got in the car. Dad was driving. My brother and sister was sitting next to me and my older sister was in her own car.
When we got back home, my grandmother was preparing food for my grandfathers birthday that evening. I said hello to her and she gave me a kiss. “tzonny, go oup to you room and get ready for soccer.” She said in greek.
Every Sunday about an hour after church my parents would take me to soccer to play the weekly game. I played for Brunswick city FC. I had only started a year before but I was an ok player. I went up to my room and got my stuff ready. I put my top and shorts on, my shin guards and socks then my runners (I didn’t put my soccer boots on until I got to the ground.) I went back into the kitchen and found that lunch was being served on the table. “tzonny, eat all your lunch or you don’t go to soccer” my grandmother said. Of course, grandmothers had this thing about food but I didn’t mind. I never go hungry. I sat down and ate my chicken soup. I didn’t bother to wait for my brothers and sisters because it usually took ten to fifteen minutes to get everyone at the table.
When everyone ate lunch, my dad drove me to my home ground. I got out of the car and met up with my friend Daniel. He was a good soccer player. Though he preferred to play in defence. This didn’t affect the team much. It certainly affected the opposing teams though. No one could get past him.
We met up with the other players and coach nick. Nick began to tell the strategy to the players. After we got into position on the field and watched as our opponent Lalor united did the same. The referee blew the whistle and the game started. Our striker Yioti passed to Daniel who then bolted down the field. Then one of the preston lions intercepted him and dashed back the other way. I ran up to him and kicked the ball from his feet. Our midfielder Billy got the ball and dodged the opposing players. Ten minutes passed and our striker Jacob went for a shot. The ball curved and smacked the keeper in the face. The ball rebounded and flew into the goals. Rather than everyone cheering, my teammates were laughing their heads of at what just happened. This enraged the preston lions goal keeper so he ran forward and took a swing at Jacobs head. Jacob copped the punch and his nose started bleeding. He fell to the ground in tears. The ref blew his whistle and ran up to Jacob. Suddenly my teammates all jumped in and began wrestling with the other teams players. I didn’t know any better so I just jumped in too. After the ref, both coaches and three adults pulled the fight apart, the ref announced a red card for the goal keeper. Then the game resumed. Since the other team had no goal keeper, we won twelve nill.( the other team had substituted the goal keeper with a useless defender).
In the evening, was the birthday party for my grandfather. Countless relatives poured through the door brining lots of food and extras along with them. Including my cousin Manuel, who always brought fireworks to these family get-togethers. When he came I immediately went up to him with Idas and heraklitos and asked whether he had brought any fireworks or not. Manuel laughed and told us that he may light some later.
Later wasn’t good enough for us. We couldn’t wait. so we begged him for about fifteen minutes and eventually gave up. Me and Idas went to play in the backyard while Heraklitos met up with some other relatives. After the huge dinner manuel and the rest of us went to the park across the road. “ive got some good ones tonight, but as usuall, don’t get in the way and stay a few meters back.” Manuel set up a sixty-shot roman candle, a c20 magnum and a home-made spark fountain. “ok guys, watch dis…” Manuel lit the wires to all three fireworks and in a small time they went of. The banging was the loudest I ever heard. Then out came a huge black dog from the park bushes. It was the neighbours to be exact. This dog came running straight for us. I started running back to the house with Idas and Heraklitos. Manuel pulled a spark bomb from his pocket, lit it and threw it at the dog. Then he joined us. Manuel was much older than us and could certainly run faster. So there was no hesitation getting back to the house. As we all got back, Manuel shut the gate and the black dog was no were to be seen. It was caught up somewhere in the park and all the smoke from the fireworks. We got back into the house and shut the door. Then Manuel started laughing. His laughter made us laugh and we all fell into a mighty up roar. We were just in time because my grandmother was serving dessert on the table. “ok guys. From now on. Instead of lighting fire works at the park, well light them in the back yard.” I said.

* not an actual gypsy. Just a metaphor for shifty-angry person

Thursday, August 2, 2007

My characters name is Johnny Agamemnopoulos and he has a very distinguished voice. He speaks English with a Greek accent and sees things through a way that benefits him, his friends and his relatives only. Yet, my character has a kind of soft side which is a pity for those who are done wrongly. Unfortunately his more prominent side prevents himself from acting in a just way for the wrongly done.
In this story, Johnny Agamemnopoulos is challenged with problems that recquire his softer-side to rectify and his prominent self-centered self to be discovered by him.
Johnny is 8 years old and lives in Brunswick West. He lives with his mum and dad, brother, two sisters and his grandmother. In his street there are four other houses filled with his relatives; his uncles and aunts, cousins and second cousins.
In my story, the other characters that appear are Johnny’s cousins Idas, Heraklitos, Alexandra. His dad, Leon. His mum, Penelope. His uncle Dimitrios and his friends Taso and Daniel.

to achieve what i have said, i will use colloquialisms and occasional notes to inform the reader

Friday, June 15, 2007

Chapter Two: Rise of the BeastsMain Events
Old major dies
snowball and napoleon talk to the others about the rebellion
the animals have the rebellion and Mr. Jones runs away
The name of the farm changes to “animal farm”
The seven commandments are established.
'Shall I still be allowed to wear ribbons in my mane?'
'Those ribbons that you are so devoted to are the badge of slavery. can you not understand that liberty is worth more than ribbons'
'What’s going to happen to all that milk?'
'never mind the milk comrades'
Chapter Three: Translation of the commandmentsMain events
Sunday meetings are held-but they cant decide and let the pigs do it
napoleon takes the litter of the puppies
snowball tries to organize committees
'I will work harder'
'Donkeys live a long time. none of you has ever seen a dead donkey'
'A bird's wing, comrades," he said, "is an organ of propulsion and not of manipulation. It should therefore be regarded as a leg. The distinguishing mark of man is the hand, the instrument with which he does all his mischief.'
'four legs good, two legs bad'
'Surely there is no one among you who want to see Jones come back?'

Chapter Four: Freedom FightersMain Events
pigeons going to neighboring farms to tell of the rebellion
farmers get nervous and animals rebel
Jones and his men attack the farm
Animals celebrate their victory and raise there flag.
'He is dead. I had no intention of doing that. I forgot I was wearing iron shoes. Who would believe I did not do this on purpose?'
'No sentimentality comrade. War is War. the only good human is a dead one'
'I have no wish to take life, not Even human life' Chapter Title

Chapter Five: TraitorMain Events
Mollie accepts bribes for information about animal farm
tension is growing stronger between snowball and napoleon
The farm is divided, those who oppose snowball and those who support snowball.
the animals vote at the windmill
Snowball is attacked and runs away.
'He didn't! I wasn't! It isn't true!'
'Comrades, I trust that ever animal here appreciates the sacrifice that comrade Napoleon has made in taking extra labor upon himself! do not imagine that leadership is a pleasure!'
'bravery is not enough, loyalty and obedience are more important

Chapter 8: Corruption.Main Events
relationships between the neighboring farms remain complex
the windmill is finished in autumn
Napoleon announces he is going to sell wood to the humans
the men destroy the windmill
"Under the guidance of our Leader, Comrade Napoleon, I have laid five eggs in six days"
"We have built the walls far too thick for that. They could not knock it down in a week. Courage, comrades!"
"Do you not see what they are doing? In another moment they are going to pack blasting powder into that hole."

Chapter 9: The fates are sealedMain Events
Animals start rebuilding windmill and rations are reduced.
boxer is taken away to the glue factory
napoleon tells the animals that boxer was not taken away to the slaughter but Taken to the vet
It does not matter. I think you will be able to finish the windmill without me. There is a pretty good store of stone accumulated. I had only another month to go in any case. To tell you the truth, I had been looking forward to my retirement. Andperhaps, as Benjamin is growing old too, they will let him retire at the same time and be a companion to me."
Run, somebody, and tell Squealer what has happened."
"Fools! Do you not see what is written on the side of that van?"
"'Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler, Willingdon. Dealer in Hides and Bone-Meal. Kennels Supplied.' Do you not understand what that means? They are taking Boxer to the knacker's!"

Chapter 10: The Cycle starts once againMain events
years pass and only a few of the animals remember life before the rebellion
the windmill is completed
the pigs begin to walk on two legs and ware cloths and carry whips
the pigs have a dinner party and envite the neighbouring farmers and there wives
they rename 'animal farm' back to 'manor farm'
the animals can no longer tell the difference between humans and pigs
"Four legs good, two legs better! Four legs good, two legs better! Four legs good, two legs better!"
"My sight is failing," she said finally. "Even when I was young I could not have read what was written there. But it appears to me that that wall looks different. Are the Seven Commandments the same as they used to be, Benjamin?"
"I will give you the same toast as before, but in a different form. Fill your glasses to the brim. Gentlemen, here is my toast: To the prosperity of The Manor Farm! "